Habonim Dror North America (HDNA) runs a congress once every two years in order to make collective decisions about the direction of the movement. On December 29, 2015 the congress unanimously passed a resolution stating that NOAL is the sister movement of HDNA. The resolution calls on members of NOAL to fill shlichut positions in HDNA and to commit to creating more shared activities. Meanwhile, it calls on its own members to continue to actualize the movement’s values by way of aliyah to Israel and to take on central roles in NOAL.
The resolution was proposed because of a similar resolution passed at the 10th Congress of NOAL that called to strengthen the ties between the movements. The resolution was written by Max Ledersnaider and Shachar Steiner, who were both representatives sent by Habonim Dror North America that summer to take part in the NOAL congress of. Also present were five shlichim from Dror Israel who are madrichim of older members of Habonim Dror.
Sister Movements Resolution
Whereas a close relationship with Hanoar Haoved Ve’Halomed (NOAL) has proven to be highly beneficial in guiding us to a more viable modern fulfillment of our ideology (i.e Hagshama)
Whereas Habonim Dror maintains a relationship with NOAL by collaborating with them on both the MBI and Workshop ProgramsWhereas Habonim Dror has increasingly brought NOAL shlichim to shape Zionist and Israel related education at machanot
Whereas current partnerships with NOAL in North America and in Israel have been overwhelmingly successful and productive
Whereas both NOAL and HDNA share many ideological roots in Progressive Labor Zionism, Judaism, Socialism, Social Justice and Hagshama
Whereas NOAL passed a resolution at its most recent congress (10th NOAL congress – August 2015) entitled, “Tnua Achot (Sister Movement) – Habonim Dror” stating:
- [NOAL] will send shlichim and madrichim that will educate the Habonim Dror chanichim towards responsibility for the Zionist-Chalutzic enterprise through the educational activity in the diaspora and through aliyah to Israel. [NOAL] will work to expand the encounters between chanichim of both movements.
- [NOAL] calls for the members of Habonim Dror to make aliyah and join the actualization of the Zionist-Chalutzic enterprise. The movement invites the Habonim Dror olim to take on central roles in the coordination and hadracha of the movement.
Therefore, let it be resolved that:
Habonim Dror North America reciprocates the call and recognizes HaNoar HaOved veHaLomed as its sister movement.
HDNA machanot and members call on NOAL members to fill shaliach positions
HDNA works to actively engage with NOAL regarding ideological directions and new (joint) movement ventures in Israel and the Diaspora towards the creation and actualization of a Zionist-Chalutzic enterprise.
HDNA calls on its members to continue doing movement work during Shlav Hachshara Gimel by making aliyah and taking central roles in NOAL projects including coordination and hadracha.
We call on HD movements from around the world to recognize NOAL as their sister movement.

Friendship Wall, Rambam Youth Center